Android studio ide internal error occurred
Android studio ide internal error occurred

Other elements like “application” do not require a key since there can be only one. Some elements like “activity” must have a key since there can be multiple present in a single AndroidManifest.xml. activity, intent-filter) and an optional key value. Injectable values for placeholders and XML generationĮach element in a manifest file can be identified by its element type (e.g. Ordered list by declaration (or transitive dependency) of libraries manifest files.

android studio ide internal error occurred

Ordered list by priority of flavor/build type manifest files, these will be commonly referenced as the flavors manifests. Therefore, the input of the merging tool will be as follows :

android studio ide internal error occurred

However, for each assembly run, there can only be one flavor from each group, in the order the flavor group were declared in the original adle leading to an ordered list of higher priority to lower priority potential manifest files to merge.įor instance, building the x86-high-15-prod variant will lookup the following manifest files to mergeĮach file in this ordered list has a priority according to its rank in the list, and merging will use this priority to decide which XML element or attribute will overwrite a lower priority setting. This leads to 3x4x3x2 possible combinations. However, for each assembly step, only one value of each flavor group and build type can be selected, leading to an ordered list of possible manifest files that overrides the main manifest file.įor instance, the following FlavorGroups: abi, density, API, Prod/Internal leads to the following matrix of possible flavors : The rules for merging depend on each node type and can be altered using “tools:” namespace attributes.īecause of multiple product flavors and build types there can be a matrix of possible manifest files to merge. Then, manifest files of types (3) are usually merged into the resulting main manifest from previous step. Manifest files of types (1) are usually overriding the main manifest content since it’s specializing the application for a particular delivery. Product flavors and build types specific manifest files. In general, there are three types of manifest files that need to be merged into a single resulting app manifest, here in priority order :

android studio ide internal error occurred android studio ide internal error occurred

This document describes the new manifest merger tool.

  • 5.2 Remove an attribute coming from the library.
  • 5.1 Override an attribute coming from a library.
  • 3.9.4 List of element merging policy and key.
  • 3.4 Generic description of merging strategies.
  • 3 Elements and Attributes merging process.

  • Android studio ide internal error occurred